約克夏犬:AKC 品種標準
照片由 Claudia Hunka 提供,您的基本鳥(加利福尼亞州伯克利)
金絲雀實際上是雀類,所以我們在這裡將它們組合在一起。金絲雀——世界上最古老、最受歡迎、種類最多的寵物鳥之一——以其聲音天賦和鮮豔的色彩而聞名。金絲雀最初來自加那利群島,該群島不是以其最著名的居民命名,而是以羅馬人在那裡發現的狗命名。(Canis 是拉丁語中“狗”的意思。)
Gouldian 雀(如圖所示),也被稱為 Lady Gouldians 或彩虹雀,因其鮮豔的羽毛而備受推崇。
斑馬(因條紋而得名,特別是在尾巴和臉上)是澳大利亞本地人,有許多不同顏色的獨特品種 - 比任何其他雀科物種都多。當談到常見的灰色斑馬時,任何人都可以區分女孩和男孩:男孩有亮橙色的臉頰和深橙色的側翼,而女孩則沒有。
攝影:Brian L. Speer,DVM
Budgies(如圖所示)常見於兩種主要品種,按體型區分:狹窄的美國和哈士奇的英國。現在的顏色遠遠超出了幾十年前的綠色或藍色。因為這些鳥的售價非常便宜(尤其是美國人),人工飼養並不划算,所以很少有飼養員投入時間或麻煩。Budgies 可以通過溫和、耐心的處理來馴服,並且可以與它們的人類夥伴緊密結合。其他人更適合作為籠鳥生活,不願被處理。
過去 20 年的一大驚喜是雞作為寵物越來越受歡迎。人們不再僅僅因為它們能夠產卵而保留它們;很多人都發現了擁抱一隻雞或教一個技巧的樂趣。雞(如圖所示)充滿個性,購買價格低廉,並且易於飼養在任何環境中,包括小城市空間。可愛的雞尿布也讓它們成為家養寵物。在戶外,它們吃你院子裡的蟲子,並用它們的糞便給它施肥。獎勵:美味的新鮮雞蛋!
雞有各種大小、顏色和圖案。您可以根據個性、羽毛類型或所產雞蛋的顏色來選擇雞:藍色、綠色、棕色、橄欖色、斑點或經典白色。我們推薦的一些優秀的初學者鳥類包括甜美蓬鬆的 Buff Orpingtons、友好的 Barred Rocks(曾經被描述為雞中的拉布拉多犬)、羅德島紅鳥的耐寒性和 Ameraucanas 及其漂亮的綠色蛋。
雞產蛋的顏色是由遺傳決定的。不同種類的雞產下不同顏色的蛋。例如,Barred Rocks 和 Rhode Island Reds 產棕色蛋;Ameraucanas 產綠色蛋;復活節彩蛋會下藍色、綠色和粉紅色的蛋;和來航產白蛋。所有的雞蛋一開始都是白色的;色素,如果它會在那裡,會隨著卵子的發育而沉積。帶有白色耳垂的雞通常會產白色的雞蛋。
過去 20 年的一大驚喜是雞作為寵物越來越受歡迎。人們不再僅僅因為它們能夠產卵而保留它們;很多人都發現了擁抱一隻雞或教一個技巧的樂趣。雞(如圖所示)充滿個性,購買價格低廉,並且易於飼養在任何環境中,包括小城市空間。可愛的雞尿布也讓它們成為家養寵物。在戶外,它們吃你院子裡的蟲子,並用它們的糞便給它施肥。獎勵:美味的新鮮雞蛋!
Chickens come in a variety of sizes, colors, and patterns. You can choose chickens based on personality, type of plumage, or the color of the eggs they produce: blue, green, brown, olive, speckled, or classic white. Some that we recommend as great beginner birds include sweet and fluffy Buff Orpingtons, friendly Barred Rocks (once described as the Labradors of chickens), Rhode Island Reds for their hardiness, and Ameraucanas, with their pretty green eggs.
The color of the eggs a chicken produces is determined by genetics. Different types of chickens lay eggs of different colors. For instance, Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds lay brown eggs; Ameraucanas lay green eggs; Easter Eggers lay blue, green, and pink eggs; and Leghorns lay white eggs. All eggs start out white; pigment, if it’s going to be there, is deposited as the egg develops. Chickens with white earlobes usually produce white eggs.
Photograph by Kim Campbell Thornton
Cockatiels (shown) are exceptionally popular, and justifiably so. These small parrots are flat-out loving, and they live to snuggle and be petted. If you only recognize the gray bird with orange patches, you may be surprised at how many colors are available these days, thanks to the work of some highly energetic aviculturists.
Some cockatiels learn to talk, but many, particularly the males, are better at whistling. This bird is another who can be a good choice for children, as long as the kids understand the need for careful handling.
Cockatiels can become whatever you make them. When you give one plenty of love and interaction, you can expect to come up with a real winner.
Quaker parakeets
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
The Quaker (shown) didn’t acquire its name from any religious leanings. The bird is thought to have earned the descriptive title through one of the common noises it makes or the quivering of its youngsters when they beg for food.
Green with a silvery front, Quakers are active and upbeat, and they like to vocalize. Some learn to talk, while others love to whistle. All can be loving if socialized when young and given consistent, respectful handling.
We have to admit to little hands-on experience with Quaker parakeets, but the lack of acquaintance isn’t because we don’t like them. They’re illegal in California, where we live, because they’re considered a threat to native species and agribusiness because of their ability to adapt to a wild lifestyle. Although we can’t really say we agree with the policy, we can say the Quaker is well worth considering if you live in places where they’re legal.
Other states in the United States that ban them include Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Wyoming. A few other states regulate them in one way or another. For information on the latest restrictions where you live, check with your state’s Department of Agriculture or fish and game authorities.
Poicephalus parrots
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
The small African parrots known collectively as Poicephalus are an easygoing bunch. Of the species available as pets, Senegals (like the one shown) are probably the most common; they’re handsome little birds with a gray head, green back and wings, and yellow-orange underside. Other species in the group include the Meyer’s, Jardine, cape, red-belly, and brown-head — all known for their small size (a little bigger than a cockatiel) and affectionate personalities. They aren’t the best talkers, but some manage verbalization quite well. Their noise level isn’t too bad.
Poicephalus can be devoted to their owners, and after they decide you’re trustworthy, they’re especially fond of having their heads and necks scratched — in fact, they beg for it, tipping their heads and leaning over to expose their necks for a good scratch.
Poicephalus parrots
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
The small African parrots known collectively as Poicephalus are an easygoing bunch. Of the species available as pets, Senegals (like the one shown) are probably the most common; they’re handsome little birds with a gray head, green back and wings, and yellow-orange underside. Other species in the group include the Meyer’s, Jardine, cape, red-belly, and brown-head — all known for their small size (a little bigger than a cockatiel) and affectionate personalities. They aren’t the best talkers, but some manage verbalization quite well. Their noise level isn’t too bad.
Poicephalus can be devoted to their owners, and after they decide you’re trustworthy, they’re especially fond of having their heads and necks scratched — in fact, they beg for it, tipping their heads and leaning over to expose their necks for a good scratch.
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
An even smaller parrot to consider: the parrotlet (shown). Don’t let their small size fool you; these 5-inch dynamos are all parrot — active, inquisitive, loving, and demanding. Two varieties are commonly available as pets — the Pacific and the green-rumped — but more species are becoming increasingly available. Apple-green or blue in hue, parrotlets are quieter than some of their larger relatives, but some develop the gift of gab.
Another one to consider is a newer, less aggressive little bird on the block: the lineolated parakeet. Quiet and calm, they enjoy walking as much as flying and enjoy playing in water. Approximately the same size as a budgie or lovebird, these friendly and funny parakeets can learn to talk and whistle.
Some species are better talkers than others, picking up words, phrases, and household sounds with little or no effort on the part of their owners. Other species are able to mimic a few sounds if their owners work with them patiently.
Pionus parrots
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
Pionus parrots are sometimes overlooked because they’re just not as flashy as other parrots — their beauty is more subtle. But what they lack in bright colors they make up for with winning personalities.
Several species of Pionus (shown) are available as pets, including Maximilian, blueheads, dusky, bronze-winged, and white-capped. Pionus are slightly larger than the Poicephalus, but they’re still small enough to be easy to keep and handle. Their personalities are considered among the more sedate, and they’re not excessively loud. (Nor are they considered fantastic talkers, although they’re certainly capable of learning a few phrases.) The word most connected with the Pionus is sweet, and it fits — socialized, well-handled birds are unparalleled as loving companions.
And when you’re in love with one, you can appreciate the subtle beauty of these birds — the plumage of a healthy Pionus has an almost iridescent quality about it.
Pyrrhura conures
Photograph by Brian L. Speer, DVM
The conures (shown) are one of the larger groups of parrots, with more than 100 species and subspecies. As pets, conures are well-represented, too, with about a dozen available, including such well-known birds as the jenday, dusky, and sun. These three belong to the Aratinga genus, but our best-for-beginners picks belong to another category, the Pyrrhura genus. (Does it seem like we always choose the ones that are hard to spell and pronounce?)
If you find it easier, call them either green-cheeked or maroon-bellied, because these are the most commonly available species in the category. Whatever you call them, though, you can look forward to a lovely pet. Both species are much, much quieter than the sun conure (but then, so are some rock bands). Enthusiasts say the Pyrrhura is affectionate and playful. Colors aren’t as dramatic as the red-and-gold sun, but the greens of the lesser-known conures still make for an attractive companion. Some may even grace you with a few acquired phrases.
Although Aratinga conures such as the sun may not be the best choice for beginners, their colorful appearance and clownish personalities have won them plenty of fans — and a starring role in the movie Paulie. (Paulie was a blue-crowned conure.)
攝影:Brian L. Speer,DVM
Conures(如圖所示)是較大的鸚鵡群體之一,有 100 多個物種和亞種。作為寵物,conures 也很受歡迎,大約有十幾種,包括 jenday、dusky 和 sun 等著名的鳥類。這三個屬於Aratinga屬,但我們最適合初學者的選擇屬於另一個類別,Pyrrhura屬。(似乎我們總是選擇難以拼寫和發音的那些?)
雖然像太陽這樣的Aratinga conures 可能不是初學者的最佳選擇,但它們豐富多彩的外表和小丑的個性為它們贏得了大量的粉絲——並在電影保利中成為主角。(保利是一隻藍冠錐尾鸚鵡。)
攝影:Brian L. Speer,DVM