法國生產的葡萄酒比其他任何國家都多——意大利除外。(兩國勢均力敵。)每年生產的葡萄酒數量因天氣而異。一般來說,法國每年生產約 15 億加侖的葡萄酒。幸運的是,法國葡萄酒的聲譽,[…]
準備時間: 15分鐘
烹飪 時間: 8分鐘
產量: 8份
1/2 茶匙大蒜粉
1/4 茶匙辣椒
1/4 茶匙鹽
3/4 杯杏仁粉
1/2 杯磨碎的帕爾馬干酪
1/2 杯無麩質麵包屑
將空氣炸鍋預熱至 370 度。
小心地將鱷梨片捲入杏仁粉中,然後將它們浸入蛋液中,再將它們塗上奶酪和麵包屑。重複直到所有 16 個薯條都塗上塗層。
將炸薯條煮 8 分鐘,或直到外塗層變成淺棕色。
這些薯條不含麩質,但如果您不需要不含麩質,您可以使用通用麵粉和傳統的麵包屑或 panko 塗層。
準備時間: 20分鐘
烹飪 時間: 8分鐘
產量: 8份
8 個全尺寸蛋捲包裝紙
1 杯煮熟的黑豆,分開
1/2 杯溫和的莎莎醬,被分割的
1/2 杯墨西哥奶酪絲,分開
1/3 杯過濾水,分開
1/2 杯酸奶油
將空氣炸鍋預熱至 400 度。
將蛋捲包裝紙放在平坦的表面上,然後將 1 條鱷梨放在中間。
在鱷梨上面放上 2 湯匙黑豆、1 湯匙莎莎醬和 1 湯匙奶酪絲。
重複步驟 2-5,直到完成所有 8 個蛋捲。
煮 4 分鐘,翻轉,然後煮剩餘的 4 分鐘。
Repeat until all the egg rolls are cooked. Meanwhile, mix the sour cream with the hot sauce to serve as a dipping sauce.
Serve warm.
You can scale this recipe up or down depending on how many you’re cooking for.
Slice the egg rolls in half, top with chopped cilantro, and serve on a platter with a spicy green sauce and sour cream salsa for a great presentation.
Prefer a different filling? Go for it! Thai spiced ground chicken with cabbage tastes great with a peanut dipping sauce, too!
Prep time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
6 cups filtered water
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in half
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, divided
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon blackened seasoning
In a large stovetop pot, bring the water to a boil. Add the sweet potatoes and let boil about 10 minutes, until a metal fork prong can be inserted but the potatoes still have a slight give (not completely mashed).
Carefully remove the potatoes from the pot and let cool.
When you’re able to touch them, grate the potatoes into a large bowl. Mix the garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon of the black pepper, and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt into the potatoes. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and let set at least 45 minutes (if you’re leaving them longer than 45 minutes, cover the bowl).
Before assembling, mix the breadcrumbs and blackened seasoning in a small bowl.
Remove the sweet potatoes from the refrigerator and preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees.
Assemble the tater-tots by using a teaspoon to portion batter evenly and form into a tater-tot shape. Roll each tater-tot in the breadcrumb mixture. Then carefully place the tater-tots in the air fryer basket. Be sure that you’ve liberally sprayed the air fryer basket with an olive oil mist. Repeat until tater-tots fill the basket without touching one another. You’ll need to do multiple batches, depending on the size of your air fryer.
Cook the tater-tots for 3 to 6 minutes, flip, and cook another 3 to 6 minutes.
Remove from the air fryer carefully and keep warm until ready to serve.
Air fryer temperatures vary. Keep an eye on the tater-tots and flip them when the breading is browned.
To reheat leftover tater-tots, use the air fryer and cook at 350 degrees until ready to serve.
Prefer a cinnamon sugar tater-tot? Nix the garlic, pepper, and Cajun seasoning and use 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of sugar in the tater-tot, with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of cane sugar in the panko breading.
Prep time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Cook time: 6 minutes
Yield: 8 servings
4-3/4 cups filtered water, divided
1 tablespoon butter
1 package fast-rising yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
2-1/3 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons baking soda
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Preheat the air fryer to 370 degrees.
In a large microwave-safe bowl, add 3/4 cup of the water. Heat for 40 seconds in the microwave. Remove and whisk in the butter; then mix in the yeast and salt. Let sit 5 minutes.
Using a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment, add the yeast liquid and mix in the bread flour 1/3 cup at a time until all the flour is added and a dough is formed.
Remove the bowl from the stand; then let the dough rise 1 hour in a warm space, covered with a kitchen towel.
After the dough has doubled in size, remove from the bowl and punch down a few times on a lightly floured flat surface.
Divide the dough into 4 balls; then roll each ball out into a long, skinny, sticklike shape. Using a sharp knife, cut each dough stick into 6 pieces.
Repeat Step 6 for the remaining dough balls until you have about 24 bites formed.
Heat the remaining 4 cups of water over the stovetop in a medium pot with the baking soda stirred in.
Drop the pretzel bite dough into the hot water and let boil for 60 seconds, remove, and let slightly cool.
Lightly brush the top of each bite with the egg whites, and then cover with a pinch of kosher salt.
Spray the air fryer basket with olive oil spray and place the pretzel bites on top. Cook for 6 to 8 minutes, or until lightly browned. Remove and keep warm.
Repeat until all pretzel bites are cooked.
Serve warm.
If you’re tight on time, nix the boiling water part. The only difference is you won’t have that browned texture to the outside of the pretzel bite. They still taste delicious, though!
Serve with a cheese sauce or spicy mustard dressing.
For a dessert pretzel, toss the pretzel bites in a cinnamon-sugar blend before air frying.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 12 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
1 large sweet onion, cut into 1/2-inch slices and rings separated
2 cups ice water
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 egg, whisked
2 tablespoons milk
1 cup breadcrumbs
Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees.
In a large bowl, soak the onion rings in the water for 5 minutes. Drain and pat dry with a towel.
In a medium bowl, place the flour, paprika, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.
In a second bowl, whisk together the egg and milk.
In a third bowl, place the breadcrumbs.
To bread the onion rings, dip them first into the flour mixture, then into the egg mixture (shaking off the excess), and then into the breadcrumbs. Place the coated onion rings onto a plate while you bread all the rings.
將洋蔥圈單層放入空氣炸鍋籃中,有時將較小的環嵌套在較大的環中。用烹飪噴霧噴灑。煮 3 分鐘,把戒指翻過來,噴上更多的烹飪噴霧。再煮 3 到 5 分鐘。分批烹飪戒指;您可能需要做 2 或 3 批,具體取決於您的空氣炸鍋的大小。
準備時間: 15分鐘
烹飪時間: 10分鐘
產量: 8份
1/4 杯罐裝朝鮮薊心,瀝乾並拍幹
1/4 杯冷凍菠菜,解凍並擠乾
1-1/2 茶匙幹牛至,分開
1/4 茶匙大蒜粉
1/4 茶匙洋蔥粉
1/4 杯切碎的意大利辣香腸
1/4 杯磨碎的馬蘇里拉奶酪
1/2 茶匙幹牛至
將空氣炸鍋預熱至 370 度。
在第三個中等大小的碗中,將意大利辣香腸、馬蘇里拉奶酪、帕爾馬干酪、奶油乾酪和剩餘的 1/2 茶匙牛至混合在一起。
一次處理 8 個餛飩,將 2 茶匙其中一種餡料放入餛飩的中心,在不同的餡料之間旋轉(每個餛飩一個餡料)。一次工作一個,使用糕點刷,將糕點刷浸入水中,然後用水刷麵團的邊緣。將麵團對折成三角形並放在一邊。繼續直到形成8個餛飩。用烹飪噴霧噴灑餛飩,並用乾毛巾蓋住。重複直到所有 32 個餛飩都填滿。
將餛飩放入空氣炸鍋籃中,餛飩之間留出空間,煮5分鐘。翻轉並檢查棕色,然後再煮 5 分鐘。
將裝有炸豆泥和莎莎醬的餛飩與牧場調料或墨西哥克麗瑪一起食用。將其他兩種餛飩與 marinara 蘸醬一起食用。
法國生產的葡萄酒比其他任何國家都多——意大利除外。(兩國勢均力敵。)每年生產的葡萄酒數量因天氣而異。一般來說,法國每年生產約 15 億加侖的葡萄酒。幸運的是,法國葡萄酒的聲譽,[…]
除了更廣為人知的波爾多紅葡萄酒外,法國波爾多地區還生產一些世界上最好的白葡萄酒。波爾多最好的干白葡萄酒是波爾多地區獨有的;世界上其他任何地方都找不到這樣的葡萄酒。然而,與許多優質葡萄酒一樣,它們的產量 […]
蔬菜在經過熱燙或蒸熟後非常好,直到大約 90% 完成,然後轉移到平底鍋中,用黃油和新鮮的香草炒熟。許多經典的土豆食譜都需要炒;切成薄片的生土豆以這種方式烹製時非常美味。在炒鍋土豆食譜中,你切 […]
食道狹窄是由於瘢痕組織堆積導致食道變窄。大多數食管狹窄是良性的(非癌性),但狹窄可能會癌變。無論狹窄是癌性的還是良性的,都應該認真對待,因為它會導致嚴重的健康問題。胃酸倒流使您更有可能 […]
這種意大利調味飯食譜使用的白葡萄酒比大多數意大利調味飯食譜要多得多,創造出一種與米飯和蔬菜相得益彰的美味。為了讓這道菜保持素食,請使用所需的蔬菜湯或水,但如果您願意,也可以使用雞湯。準備時間:15 分鐘烹飪時間:35 […]
要求您準備蔬菜的食譜可能會要求您將它們切絲或切成方塊。不要讓法國口音嚇到你:切絲的蔬菜既簡單又有吸引力,如果你能切切蔬菜,切塊是輕而易舉的事。切絲蔬菜要切絲蔬菜,首先要修剪蔬菜,例如 […]
當你炒東西時,即使是在不粘鍋裡,你也需要使用某種脂肪。但是哪一個——黃油還是油?每種都最適合不同種類的炒菜:在高溫下烹飪時,使用不太可能燃燒的油。用中高火炒時,您可以選擇 […]
糖尿病飲食是一個你會經常聽到的短語,還有什麼比想像自己被判處一個只有糖尿病患者必須遵守的飲食計劃更令人沮喪的呢?事實幾乎完全相反。適用於糖尿病的飲食計劃將是適當的飲食 […]
那麼傳統意大利餐的結構是怎樣的呢?意大利晚餐實際上有五個組成部分或課程。並非每餐都包含所有五道菜,但很多都包含。如果您想要完整的五道菜意大利晚餐,這裡是您需要的部分: 開胃菜:傳統的意大利餐從可以吃的東西開始,稱為 […]
保持假期娛樂成本低的一種方法是舉辦開胃菜派對,而不是坐下來吃飯。這種三奶酪奶酪球是完美的派對食品。切達干酪、波特酒和藍紋奶酪結合在一起形成了一個經典、美味的球——這是許多家庭的聖誕節傳統。切達干酪、波特酒和藍奶酪球的製備 […]