

當你試圖操縱一個食譜並扔掉你的酵母丟棄物時,你想這樣想:120克丟棄物是60克麵粉和60克水,所以大約1/2杯麵粉和1 /4 杯水。這是它需要在現有配方中替換才能成功使用的內容。許多人意識到丟棄在鬆餅和速食麵包中效果很好,但在本文中,您會發現一些甜蜜和鹹味的方法來升級您剩餘的丟棄物。





準備時間: 5分鐘

烘烤時間: 20分鐘

產量: 6 份


57 克(1/4 杯)無鹽黃油


454 克(2 杯)酸酵頭

82 克(1/3 杯)牛奶

4 克(1 茶匙)香草精

13 克(1 湯匙)糖

3 克(1/2 茶匙)鹽


將烤箱預熱至 400 華氏度。




從火上移開,烘烤 20 分鐘或直到浮腫和金黃色。


每份:卡路里 303(來自脂肪 125);脂肪14g(飽和7g);膽固醇 233mg;鈉 273mg;碳水化合物 34g(膳食纖維 3g);蛋白質 12g。

將這些煎餅存放在冰箱中最多 2 天。





準備時間: 15分鐘加1小時起床

烘烤時間: 6分鐘

產量: 6 份


227 克(2 杯)通用麵粉

6 克(1 茶匙)鹽

2 克(1/2 茶匙)發酵粉

113 克(1/2 杯)酸酵頭

82 克(1/3 杯)原味酸奶

60 克(1/4 杯)菜籽油,分開

28 克(2 湯匙)黃油



加入開胃菜、酸奶和 2 湯匙菜籽油。


在平坦的表面上撒上大約 1/4 杯到 1/2 杯的麵粉。



用保鮮膜蓋​​住麵團,靜置 1 小時。


將每塊麵團擀成圓形或長方形(無論您喜歡哪種)。對於更薄的扁平麵包,滾到 10 英寸;對於較厚的扁平麵包,滾到 8 英寸。

在一個耐熱的小碗中,將黃油融化並與剩餘的 2 湯匙菜籽油混合。

Heat a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat.

Brush the tops of the bread with the butter-and-oil mixture.

Cook each flat bread for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until it puffs up and begins to brown with bubbles.

Per serving: Calories 296 (From Fat 122); Fat 14g (Saturated 3g); Cholesterol 11mg; Sodium 435mg; Carbohydrate 38g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 6g.

Flatbreads are best consumed the day they’re prepared.

The range in flour for kneading is based on the starter. Some starters are more wet, due to humidity in the air. The dough should feel like pizza dough.

Serve with hummus, grilled meats, or as part of a charcuterie board.

Vary it! Add roasted garlic and chopped herbs (cilantro, parsley, or thyme) for a pop of flavor.

Fluffy Biscuits

Prep time: 15 minutes

Bake time: 12 minutes

Yield: 12 servings


240 grams (2 cups) all-purpose flour

14 grams (1 tablespoon) baking powder

5 grams (1 teaspoon) baking soda

6 grams (1 teaspoon) salt

113 grams (1/2 cup) cold unsalted butter

454 grams (2 cups) sourdough starter

28 grams (2 tablespoons) salted butter, melted


In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Using a pastry cutter or your fingers, cut the cold butter into the flour mixture until the small butter crumbles.

Add in the sourdough starter and stir to combine.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

On a lightly floured flat surface, place the biscuit dough.

Knead the dough 3 times and flatten into a 12-x-12-inch square.

Brush the tops with the melted butter.

Cut the dough into 12 biscuits, about 2 x 2 inches.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Place the biscuits on the parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and immediately reduce the heat to 425 degrees F.

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through.

Per serving: Calories 231 (From Fat 91); Fat 10g (Saturated 6g); Cholesterol 25mg; Sodium 448mg; Carbohydrate 31g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 5g.

Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Biscuits perform better when everything is cold. If it’s a hot day, place all the dry ingredients in the refrigerator and let them chill before adding in the starter.

Serve with fresh jam and whipped honey butter, like honey cardamom butter.

Vary it! Craving a savory biscuit? Add 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves and 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder.

Cheesy Kinder Crackers


Cheesy Kinder Crackers

Prep time: 15 minutes plus 1 hour for rising

Bake time: 25 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


100 grams (3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon) whole-spelt flour or whole-wheat flour

170 grams (3/4 cup) sourdough starter discard

50 grams (1/4 cup) room-temperature unsalted butter

3 grams (1 tablespoon) chopped thyme leaves

4 grams (3/4 teaspoon) salt

Extra-virgin olive oil, for brushing or spraying the surface of the crackers

58.7 grams (1/4 cup) grated Parmesan


In a medium bowl, mix together the flour, starter, butter, thyme, and salt.

Knead the dough into a ball.

Divide the dough in half and tightly wrap each rounded dough with plastic wrap.

Place the wrapped dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Lightly flour a flat surface.

Working with one piece of dough at a time, roll out the dough into a square, about 1/8-inch thick.

Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet.

Place the dough on top of the parchment paper.

Brush or spray the top of the dough with olive oil and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese.

Using a pizza cutter or a sharp knife, cut the dough into 1-inch squares. (It’s okay if the squares aren’t perfectly shaped.)

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

While the first batch of crackers is baking, roll out the second batch of dough.

Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet.

Place the dough on top of the parchment paper.

Brush or spray the top of the dough with olive oil and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese.

Using a pizza cutter or a sharp knife, cut the dough into 1-inch squares.

After you’ve removed the first batch from the oven, place the second batch in the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Per serving: Calories 142 (From Fat 58); Fat 6g (Saturated 4g); Cholesterol 16mg; Sodium 244mg; Carbohydrate 18g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 4g.

Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days.

Serve with thinly sliced apples, tomatoes, or salami for an afternoon snack.

Vary it! Add in 1/4 cup sesame seeds and cracked black pepper for a savory spin.

Beer-Battered Vegetable Tempura

Prep time: 30 minutes

Bake time: 2 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


872 grams (4 cups) avocado or grapeseed oil, for frying

454 grams (2 cups) sourdough starter discard

2 eggs

1 gram (1/2 teaspoon) paprika

1 gram (1/2 teaspoon) black pepper

3 grams (1/2 teaspoon) salt

8 asparagus spears

16 green beans

1 sweet onion, thickly sliced into rings

1 medium sweet potato, roasted and cooled and sliced into 1/2-inch circles

120 grams (1/2 cup) ranch dressing, for dipping


In a Dutch oven or deep skillet, heat the oil to 355 degrees F.

Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mix together the starter, eggs, paprika, pepper, and salt.

Place the asparagus, green beans, onion, and sweet potato into the batter and toss to lightly coat.

Place a brown paper bag or paper towels on a baking sheet.

When the oil has heated, work in small batches to cook the tempura vegetables. Add 4 to 6 vegetable pieces in at a time and cook the vegetables for 2 to 3 minutes, or until golden brown, flipping the vegetables periodically as they fry.

Remove the vegetables to the baking sheet to cool.

Return the oil temperature to 355 degrees F and then add in the next batch of vegetables.

Check the seasoning, and salt if needed.

Serve the tempura vegetables with the ranch dip.

Per serving: Calories 448 (From Fat 162); Fat 18g (Saturated 2g); Cholesterol 106mg; Sodium 348mg; Carbohydrate 62g (Dietary Fiber 7g); Protein 13g.

These are best consumed the day they’re prepared.

To preroast the sweet potato, slice it into rings and roast at 400 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes or until slightly tender. The idea is that the sweet potato is mostly cooked, because it won’t be fried long enough to fully cook the vegetable.

Vary it! You can use a variety of vegetables, like mushrooms squash, zucchini, broccoli, or potatoes. Pre-cook harder vegetables by blanching, boiling, microwaving, or roasting. This is a fun way to repurpose leftover vegetables!

Salted Dark Chocolate Brownies


Salted Dark Chocolate Brownies

Prep time: 15 minutes

Bake time: 45 minutes

產量: 9 份


150 克(5.3 盎司)黑巧克力(65% 至 70% 可可固體),碎成小塊

50 克(1/4 杯)無鹽黃油

40 克(1/4 杯)菜籽油

6 克(1 大)橙子,去皮

36 克(3 湯匙)煮好的咖啡或濃縮咖啡

3 克(1/2 茶匙)鹽

2 克(1/2 茶匙)香草精

120 克(1/2 杯加 2 湯匙)酸酵頭

150 克(2/3 杯)糖

110 克(1/2 杯,包裝)淡紅糖

25 克(1/4 杯)無糖可可粉

25 克(1/4 杯)通用麵粉


3 克(1/2 茶匙)粗海鹽,用於澆頭


在微波爐安全的碗中,放入巧克力和黃油,然後用微波爐高火 1 分鐘,30 秒後攪拌。




將烤箱預熱至 350 華氏度。

用烹飪噴霧噴灑 9 x 9 英寸的烤盤或玻璃砂鍋菜。

將麵糊倒入盤中,烘烤 45 至 50 分鐘,或直至內部溫度達到 190 華氏度。


每份:卡路里 353(來自脂肪 158);脂肪18g(飽和8g);膽固醇 83mg;鈉 289mg;碳水化合物 47g(膳食纖維 3g);蛋白質5g。

注意:在冰箱中的密閉容器中最多可存放 3 天。




法國生產的葡萄酒比其他任何國家都多——意大利除外。(兩國勢均力敵。)每年生產的葡萄酒數量因天氣而異。一般來說,法國每年生產約 15 億加侖的葡萄酒。幸運的是,法國葡萄酒的聲譽,[…]



除了更廣為人知的波爾多紅葡萄酒外,法國波爾多地區還生產一些世界上最好的白葡萄酒。波爾多最好的干白葡萄酒是波爾多地區獨有的;世界上其他任何地方都找不到這樣的葡萄酒。然而,與許多優質葡萄酒一樣,它們的產量 […]



蔬菜在經過熱燙或蒸熟後非常好,直到大約 90% 完成,然後轉移到平底鍋中,用黃油和新鮮的香草炒熟。許多經典的土豆食譜都需要炒;切成薄片的生土豆以這種方式烹製時非常美味。在炒鍋土豆食譜中,你切 […]



食道狹窄是由於瘢痕組織堆積導致食道變窄。大多數食管狹窄是良性的(非癌性),但狹窄可能會癌變。無論狹窄是癌性的還是良性的,都應該認真對待,因為它會導致嚴重的健康問題。胃酸倒流使您更有可能 […]



這種意大利調味飯食譜使用的白葡萄酒比大多數意大利調味飯食譜要多得多,創造出一種與米飯和蔬菜相得益彰的美味。為了讓這道菜保持素食,請使用所需的蔬菜湯或水,但如果您願意,也可以使用雞湯。準備時間:15 分鐘烹飪時間:35 […]



要求您準備蔬菜的食譜可能會要求您將它們切絲或切成方塊。不要讓法國口音嚇到你:切絲的蔬菜既簡單又有吸引力,如果你能切切蔬菜,切塊是輕而易舉的事。切絲蔬菜要切絲蔬菜,首先要修剪蔬菜,例如 […]



當你炒東西時,即使是在不粘鍋裡,你也需要使用某種脂肪。但是哪一個——黃油還是油?每種都最適合不同種類的炒菜:在高溫下烹飪時,使用不太可能燃燒的油。用中高火炒時,您可以選擇 […]



糖尿病飲食是一個你會經常聽到的短語,還有什麼比想像自己被判處一個只有糖尿病患者必須遵守的飲食計劃更令人沮喪的呢?事實幾乎完全相反。適用於糖尿病的飲食計劃將是適當的飲食 […]



那麼傳統意大利餐的結構是怎樣的呢?意大利晚餐實際上有五個組成部分或課程。並非每餐都包含所有五道菜,但很多都包含。如果您想要完整的五道菜意大利晚餐,這裡是您需要的部分: 開胃菜:傳統的意大利餐從可以吃的東西開始,稱為 […]



保持假期娛樂成本低的一種方法是舉辦開胃菜派對,而不是坐下來吃飯。這種三奶酪奶酪球是完美的派對食品。切達干酪、波特酒和藍紋奶酪結合在一起形成了一個經典、美味的球——這是許多家庭的聖誕節傳統。切達干酪、波特酒和藍奶酪球的製備 […]